Especialistas en tecnología y seguridad

We are Solustrid

Leading Work That
Saves Everyone’s Life

Industry is what is sitting on the driving sit of the current world economy. We “Solustrid” are here to support that economy through that driver and we proudly want to say that we have succeeded with so many ups and downs for the past 25 years with the family we built with the love of our customers. And we hope to continue doing that for years to come and make our family bigger than ever.

Daniel Ricardo

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We are Solustrid

We are committed to provide safe industrial solutions to many factories



Experience gained from so many ups and downs to the success


Customers that are pleased and happy about our services.


Customers that started their dream grabbing the hand of Solustrid


Customers who are pleased with their projects done by Solustrid
We are Solustrid

What We Do

We provide our service to the industrialists and execute the best of their plans consulting our experienced researchers and engineers and help them make their dream come true. We guide and support our customers and be with them to the very end like a family so that we can support the world economy through them because they are the WORLD to US.

Audio y Video Digital

Sistemas de Audio Digitales por IP Sistemas de Audio Profesional para: Videoconferencia Auditorios Sala de Juntas Salas de Juicios Orales

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Control de Acceso

Control de Acceso Contamos con los sistemas profesionales para el control del acceso a su empresa, obteniendo un mayor control sobre los empleados y visitantes para optimizar el funcionamiento de la empresa, así como tener mayor seguridad y control de la mercancía. Contamos con lectoras de proximidad para facilitar el acceso y la salida, así […]

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Detección y Extinción de Incendio

DETECCIÓN DE INCENDIOS Manejamos una amplía gama de productos de la más alta calidad en cuanto a control de incendios. Nuestro sistema cuenta con sensores térmicos, como sensores de humo para satisfacer las necesidades y requerimientos planteados por nuestros clientes. Tenemos la capacidad de crear y desarrollar soluciones para prevenir, detectar y extinguir incendios, de […]

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Protección Perimetral

Sistemas de Protección Perimetral Cable sensor perimetral Sensores Microondas Sensores Infra-rojos Alta Seguridad Cable Enterrado

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Servicios Especializados Corporativos

Servicios Especializados Elaboración de documento para desarrollo e implementación del sistema. Ingeniería básica. Ingeniería a detalle. Desarrollo de Infraestructura (Obra civil, tubería, cableado, montaje y conexionado de equipos). Configuración, programación y puesta en marcha del sistema. Capacitación para usuario final. Elaboración de libro de proyecto. Mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo, en póliza o por evento, con diferentes […]

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We are Solustrid

We offer Industrial Solutions that are reliable, efficient, safe and sustainable.

  • Approach
  • Mission
  • History

Industry is what is sitting on the driving sit of the current world economy. We “Solustrid” are here to support that economy through that driver and we proudly want to say that we have succeeded with so many ups and downs for the past 25 years with the family we built with the love of our customers. And we hope to continue doing that for years to come and make our family bigger than ever.

  • Experienced specialist researchers.
  • Latest of the Equipments

Industry is what is sitting on the driving sit of the current world economy. We “Solustrid” are here to support that economy through that driver and we proudly want to say that we have succeeded with so many ups and downs for the past 25 years with the family we built with the love of our customers. And we hope to continue doing that for years to come and make our family bigger than ever.

  • Leading industrial solutions with best machinery
  • Committed for the safety of the customers

Industry is what is sitting on the driving sit of the current world economy. We “Solustrid” are here to support that economy through that driver and we proudly want to say that we have succeeded with so many ups and downs for the past 25 years with the family we built with the love of our customers. And we hope to continue doing that for years to come and make our family bigger than ever.

  • Years of experience and Learning
  • Reputed for maintaining Schedule
We Are Solustrid

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Aliquip ex ea commodo consequat duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit voluptate aelit sunt.

    [select* "Building & Construction" "Power Generation" "Oil & Gas Engineering" "Automation Industry" "Manufacturing Plants" "Chemical Research"]

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